Creating Interactive Visualizations with Bokeh

There have been many examples of useful and exciting data visualizations for a variety of topics and applications. In [1]: from IPython.display import IFrame, HTML from IPython.core.display import display display(IFrame(“”, ‘800px’, ‘600px’)) In [2]: display(IFrame(“”, ‘800px’, ‘600px’)) Most of these invlove directly coding JavaScript. Not everyone enjoys writing JavaScript. In [53]: ar.contours(plot, title=”ISO Contours”) show() In [1]: from IPython.core.display… Continue reading Creating Interactive Visualizations with Bokeh

PyMC for Linear Programming

In [1]: import pymc as pm, numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, seaborn as sns %matplotlib inline Stack Overflow While I understand that there are far superior methods for solving LP problems (e.g. interior point algorithms), can MCMC be used to solve a stochastic LP problem? PyMC2 can be combined with the LP solver of… Continue reading PyMC for Linear Programming

Project 3

source Similar Notebooks imdbscraper step 5 dataprep and eda model movies 3 imdbscraper step3 tugas 1 review book recommender system 6 dataprep validationdataset checkpoint Copyright © Code Fetcher 2022 Part 1: Data Cleaning, Feature Engineering, EDA I have my post content, now I need to inspect it and clean it up if necessary. 0. Imports… Continue reading Project 3

word2vec visualization

using ipython notebook version: original In [1]: import visword2vec # 単語で作ったモデル vis = visword2vec.visWord2Vec(“recipe_steps.bin”) # フレーズで作ったモデル vis_phrase = visword2vec.visWord2Vec(“recipe_steps-phrase.bin”) loading loaded loading loaded In [2]: def plot_both(word): vis.plot(word) vis_phrase.plot(word) In [3]: plot_both(‘チョコ’) [ 0.21099427 0.11427726] [ 0.19734898 0.13841781] In [4]: vis_phrase.plot(‘義理_チョコ’) [ 0.16700684 0.1221358 ] In [5]: plot_both(‘義理’) [ 0.17986007 0.14094272] [ 0.248188 0.16636363] In [6]: plot_both(‘あつあつ’)… Continue reading word2vec visualization