Routing, Arbitrage

Chapter 8 of Real World Algorithms. Panos Louridas Athens University of Economics and Business The Bellman-Ford(-Moore) Algorithm The Bellman-Ford(-Moore) algorithm is an alternative to Dijkstra’s algorithm for finding shortest paths in graphs. The basic idea is that we find the shortest paths from a start node to other nodes by using 1, 2, $n$ links,… Continue reading Routing, Arbitrage

League of legends crawler

primary site for this project: This crawler is built using selenium using the firefox webdriver In [1]: from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.firefox.service import Service as FirefoxService from webdriver_manager.firefox import GeckoDriverManager from import By In [2]: driver = webdriver.Firefox(service=FirefoxService(GeckoDriverManager().install())) driver.get(“”) driver.implicitly_wait(3) [WDM] – Downloading: 19.0kB [00:00, 2.11MB/s] North America Leaderboard In [3]: na_leaderboard = driver.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, ‘tr’)… Continue reading League of legends crawler

Creating Interactive Visualizations with Bokeh

There have been many examples of useful and exciting data visualizations for a variety of topics and applications. In [1]: from IPython.display import IFrame, HTML from IPython.core.display import display display(IFrame(“”, ‘800px’, ‘600px’)) In [2]: display(IFrame(“”, ‘800px’, ‘600px’)) Most of these invlove directly coding JavaScript. Not everyone enjoys writing JavaScript. In [53]: ar.contours(plot, title=”ISO Contours”) show() In [1]: from IPython.core.display… Continue reading Creating Interactive Visualizations with Bokeh

PyMC for Linear Programming

In [1]: import pymc as pm, numpy as np, matplotlib.pyplot as plt, seaborn as sns %matplotlib inline Stack Overflow While I understand that there are far superior methods for solving LP problems (e.g. interior point algorithms), can MCMC be used to solve a stochastic LP problem? PyMC2 can be combined with the LP solver of… Continue reading PyMC for Linear Programming

Project 3

source Similar Notebooks imdbscraper step 5 dataprep and eda model movies 3 imdbscraper step3 tugas 1 review book recommender system 6 dataprep validationdataset checkpoint Copyright © Code Fetcher 2022 Part 1: Data Cleaning, Feature Engineering, EDA I have my post content, now I need to inspect it and clean it up if necessary. 0. Imports… Continue reading Project 3

NTDS’17 demo 3: Numpy

source Similar Notebooks ipython notebook 3 numpy gistfile1 txt science numpy french whats new numpy 1 8 Copyright © Code Fetcher 2022 Hermina Petric Maretic, EPFL LTS4 NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python. It contains among other things: a powerful N-dimensional array object sophisticated (broadcasting) functions tools for integrating C/C++ and… Continue reading NTDS’17 demo 3: Numpy

5.- Listas y Tuplas

Data too large for file format source Similar Notebooks 13 aprendizaje de m c3 a1quina 7 arreglos con numpy 8 cadenas 1 programaci c3 b3n orientada a objetos checkpoint 6 diccionarios y conjuntos 4 funciones 8 1 de excel a python 3 control y desarrollo de programas 11 recursi c3 b3n iteraci c3 b3n busqueda… Continue reading 5.- Listas y Tuplas

Introduction to Linear Regression

Adapted from Chapter 3 of An Introduction to Statistical Learning continuous categorical supervised regression classification unsupervised dimension reduction clustering Motivation Why are we learning linear regression? widely used runs fast easy to use (not a lot of tuning required) highly interpretable basis for many other methods Libraries Will be using Statsmodels for teaching purposes since… Continue reading Introduction to Linear Regression

Analyzing police daily activity logs

Introduction How many? When? Introduction The Sacramento Police Department daily activity logs website was always the first I visited when I worked the early morning crime shifts at the Sacramento Bee. A public relations officer updated it every morning with a fairly well-standardized list of notable incidents the department responded to the day before, and… Continue reading Analyzing police daily activity logs