How To Sort Subset Of Rows In Pandas Df Code Example

Snippet 1

  In [364]: df.sort_values(['id','t'], ascending=[1,0])
   id   t  metric_1  metric_2  metric_3
4   0  90    13.333    61.993  0.017871
3   0  89    13.333    61.998  0.017746
2   0  88    13.333    61.992  0.017711
1   0  87    13.333    61.993  0.017569
0   0  86    13.333    61.989  0.017444
9   1  90    33.333    61.736  0.030689
8   1  89    26.667    61.802  0.025995
7   1  88    20.000    61.864  0.022475
6   1  87    20.000    61.913  0.020058
5   1  86    13.333    61.964  0.018511   

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