How To Use Switch Statement In Java Code Example

Code Fetcher

Snippet 1

  int day = 4;
switch (day) {
  case 6:
    System.out.println("Today is Saturday");
  case 7:
    System.out.println("Today is Sunday");
    System.out.println("Looking forward to the Weekend");
// Outputs "Looking forward to the Weekend" 

Snippet 2

  // switch statement 
   // case statements
   // values must be of same type of expression
   case value1 :
      // Statements
      break; // break is optional
   case value2 :
      // Statements
      break; // break is optional
   // We can have any number of case statements
   // below is default statement, used when none of the cases is true. 
   // No break is needed in the default case.
   default : 
      // Statements

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