Minecraft Random Rotate Texture Code Example

Snippet 1

  // this is in "bockstates/prismarine_rough.json" and
// note: there sometimes has to be a model file (shown under)
    "variants": {
        "": [
            { "model": "prismarine_rough" },
            { "model": "prismarine_rough", "x": 90 },
            { "model": "prismarine_rough", "x": 180 },
            { "model": "prismarine_rough", "x": 270 },
            { "model": "prismarine_rough", "y": 90 },
            { "model": "prismarine_rough", "y": 90, "x": 90 },
            { "model": "prismarine_rough", "y": 90, "x": 180 },
            { "model": "prismarine_rough", "y": 90, "x": 270 },
            { "model": "prismarine_rough", "y": 180 },
            { "model": "prismarine_rough", "y": 180, "x": 90 },
            { "model": "prismarine_rough", "y": 180, "x": 180 },
            { "model": "prismarine_rough", "y": 180, "x": 270 },
            { "model": "prismarine_rough", "y": 270 },
            { "model": "prismarine_rough", "y": 270, "x": 90 },
            { "model": "prismarine_rough", "y": 270, "x": 180 },
            { "model": "prismarine_rough", "y": 270, "x": 270 }

// model file in "models/block/prismarine_rough.json"
// for vanilla textures you would not need to add this, though
// it may be a good idea to include it just to be safe.
    "parent": "block/cube_all",
    "textures": {
        "all": "block/prismarine_rough"
//then the actual texture goes in "textures/block/prismarine_rough.png" 

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