Stable Diffusion AI Notebook (Release 2.0.0)

Instructions: Execute each cell in order to mount a Dream bot and create images from text. Once cells 1-8 were run correctly you’ll be executing a terminal in cell #9, you’ll need to enter python scripts/ command to run Dream bot. After launching dream bot, you’ll see: Dream > in terminal. Insert a command, eg.… Continue reading Stable Diffusion AI Notebook (Release 2.0.0)

Time Series Forecasting with Python (ARIMA, LSTM, Prophet)

In [1]: import numpy as np import pandas as pd import os from statsmodels.tsa.statespace.sarimax import SARIMAX from import plot_acf,plot_pacf from statsmodels.tsa.seasonal import seasonal_decompose #from pmdarima import auto_arima from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error from import rmse import warnings warnings.filterwarnings(“ignore”) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline In this article we will try to forecast a time series… Continue reading Time Series Forecasting with Python (ARIMA, LSTM, Prophet)

Rename Row Pandas Code Example

Snippet 1 df.rename(columns={“A”: “a”, “B”: “b”, “C”: “c”}, errors=”raise”, inplace=True) Snippet 2 >>> df.rename({1: 2, 2: 4}, axis=’index’) A B 0 1 4 2 2 5 4 3 6 Similar Snippets Rename Row Pandas Code Example – pandas Pandas Iterrows Code Example – pandas Slicing In Pandas Code Example – pandas Pandas Count Rows With… Continue reading Rename Row Pandas Code Example

Rename Rows Pandas Based On Condiions Code Example

Snippet 1 df.loc[(df.Event == ‘Dance’),’Event’]=’Hip-Hop’ df Similar Snippets Rename Row Pandas Code Example – pandas Pandas Count Rows With Value Code Example – pandas Pandas Show Top 10 Rows Code Example – pandas Pandas Iterrows Code Example – pandas Slicing In Pandas Code Example – pandas Add An Index Column Pandas Code Example – pandas… Continue reading Rename Rows Pandas Based On Condiions Code Example

Reshape Wide To Long In Pandas Code Example

Snippet 1 pd.DataFrame(df.unstack().reset_index()) Similar Snippets Reshape Wide To Long In Pandas Code Example – pandas Pandas Iterrows Code Example – pandas Slicing In Pandas Code Example – pandas Pandas Count Rows With Value Code Example – pandas Add An Index Column Pandas Code Example – pandas Pandas Ttable With Sum Totals Code Example – pandas… Continue reading Reshape Wide To Long In Pandas Code Example

See All Columns Pandas Code Example

Snippet 1 pd.set_option(‘display.max_columns’, None) pd.set_option(‘display.max_rows’, None) Snippet 2 pd.set_option(‘max_columns’, None) Snippet 3 pd.options.display.max_columns = None pd.options.display.max_rows = None Similar Snippets Pandas Select All Columns Except One Code Example – pandas How To Drop Columns In Pandas Code Example – pandas Dictionary To A Dataframe Pandas Arrays Must All Be Same Length Code Example – pandas… Continue reading See All Columns Pandas Code Example